Announcing Nerve Finance on Solana

Synapse Protocol
2 min readApr 29, 2021


Two months ago, we launched as the first stableswap AMM on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We quickly expanded and created the Nerve Bridge, a trustless bridge enabling transfers of up to $30M ETH and BTC to and from BSC. In just two months, we’ve gone from 0 to over $600M in TVL and $2.55B in monthly trading volume. We’ve been overwhelmed by the support from our community.

DappRader Statistics from the past 30 days

The goal of Nerve has always been to democratize DeFi for all potential users. Our decision to launch on BSC was originally driven by the low gas fees and fast transactions on BSC, not by ideological beliefs. We want to build the best DeFi products available to the most users.

What’s made Nerve successful thus far is being singularly product and user obsessed over everything else. To deliver the best product experience, we have to adapt with our users and follow our community. We can’t be ideologically rigid while remaining user-obsessed.

That is why, today, we’re announcing Nerve on Solana. When evaluating new chains and L2s to launch on, we ranked each option by 4 criteria:

  • Low transaction costs (not only for whales)
  • Decentralized and trustless
  • Fast and easy user experience
  • Strong community

Launching on Solana will help us further our mission of making DeFi products more accessible. As early builders in the community, we have a tremendous opportunity to invest in one of the fastest growing DeFi ecosystems, and build a stronghold as one of the top Solana apps.

Onwards and upwards!

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